Need for more speed

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    peter wrote:

    Hi Louis,

    Can it be this value is it so,if you raise it then the wagon has more break.

    See in the useclub7.xli and up,there is a 0 as value and the wagons are faster.,mostly the gondolas. 💡

    That would be it :) I actually never thought of lowering the figure to 0, but you could be right. Still, I know from the original docs that there was a max of cars to be pulled by 1 loco and that is prolly set in the executable. I will give this a try tomorrow morning or something, when I’m sober again :?


    Hi Peter and Louis,

    It looks like you are going to work this out sooner or later.

    If and when you do, can I have it in one step at the time, if you know what I mean.

    Sort of spell it out for me.

    Good luck.



    yep,so is it Reg. :) Sooner as later. I´d decrease to 5 and it will be faster a little bit ,for 2 axes-cars. 😉



    sorry for the late answer 😳 , there are undocumented features in the xli file:

    1. The max speed value will be used by the engines, but not by the wagons, so the speed of the train will be determined only by the engines.

    2. The number after the max speed (this number usually is set to 0) means the number of wagons the engine can pull alone. Is this number 0, the program will assume 22. Is this number higher than 0, then this number will be used.

    Please try the number 200 on this place, and your engine will have super-power !! 😯 😆 8)

    Best regards,



    Thanx Brainbom,

    Now i can model a “Ludmilla”,that in real can pull over 100 cars. :D 😉


    Hi all F3 and Pa1 fans,

    If some one wondering why the B-units all can be find in the trainmenu under carrieges (or is it yet corrected),and want to have powered B-units then e- mail to me under and i can answer this problem. It´s a slightly work only.

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