Layout Standards

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I think, the new Layout Viewer 2.0 is very useful and opens new possibilites to RTR. But there are two simple standards for layouts you have to notice:

    Please don’t use layout names with spaces or it will destroy the start-up parameters in Layout Viewer! Please publish your layouts from now on with all three files in the ZIP- file, for example:

    * mylayout.roa

    * mylayout.roa.jpg

    * mylayout.roa.txt

    Many thanks,



    well i don’t know how to create a “mylayout.roa.jpg” or a “mylayout.roa.txt”, but i’d have to also somehow include a “myterrain.jpg” as i use many of my own custom terrain texture tiles in place of the ones terrain.jpg normaly comes with. (and the ground looks really totaly crazy in downloaded layouts until i fix them up and likewise my own would/do using the standard terrain.jpg)


    Hi Themnax,

    As for layout information files: See the Layout Viewer manual:


    * Screenshot: JPG-file, size 480 x 360 pixel. The file name must exactly be the same like the layout file, including the extension “.roa”. For example: for the layout “Analogdemo1.roa” the screenshot must be named “Analogdemo1.roa.jpg”!

    * Layout description: A short text about the layout in the normal, unformated text format, created for example with Notepad or Editor. Again the text file must have exactly the same name like the layout, in the above example “Analogdemo1.roa.txt”.

    As for custom terrain: Just start the layouts from Layout Viewer. It recognises custom terrains with the same name like the layout and copies the custom terrain to terrain.jpg. For layouts without a custom terrain it uses the standard full ground.

    Hope, that helps.


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