few more tips

  • This topic has 8 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #165

    Dave’s top tips. Maybe ya know em already ‘n’ maybe ya don’t. But this is what I have learned by making mistakes in RTR.

    My best tip. Put all your controllers, signals, power supply’s and detach things on a short straight. Corners are no good they only allow power in one direction. I always do it put a controller on a long straight with lots of commands and find it is in the wrong place. Arrr all that editing I gota do again.

    Another for analogue tracks. We know we can use a controller to turn on a signal but this turns the power supply it controls to power 10. If we use the controller to control the power supply instead of the signal then we can start a train at what ever power we choose and the signal still works.

    Joining tracks. I have noticed if you can not get a track to join using the auto connect button because the ends of the track are not lined up. I find it is always best to do it on a corner as long as the corners radius is tighter than the straight bit you are joining to. The corner will usually always join if the radius is going to go wider. Hope you understand this I can not think of a better way to describe it.

    If you set a slope grade using LV2 and want to use a different one then save your track change it in LV2 and open your track again and then you got the new grade slope

    Sick of scrolling up ‘n’ down your track, I no I am with my track size of 10 x 20. Ok use the camera to get about. Click on a train or wagon were you want to go. Now you get off were you end up you can teleport your self about in a sec.

    If you are using the track inventory that Chris did (I think it was Chris), and are finding it hard to get hold of one of the little pieces. Then take the track piece you want to join the little piece to, join it up select them both and take it to where you want to use it.

    Thanks Dave



    It´s the eagle look to teleport 8)


    Hi all,

    Perhaps a new thread could be started and have one person gather/be the point person for tips and tricks. S/he can edit the original post for that tip/trick with new stuff (to keep them organized in one message posting rather than all throughout the forum). I know there are many good ideas scattered in the forum but they tend to get lost amongst all the other posts. Even linking back to those existing tips/tricks from a central message – like an index – would help people searching the forum for help. A new “message” could be opened for each category.

    For instance, one message for joining track, another for controller tracks, a third for the turn table, and so on. The point would add material as it’s identified. Separate people could be the point for each category within the tips and tricks thread to spread the wealth around.

    Any thoughts?

    Regards, Chris


    Hi Chris

    Sound good to me. If your stuck on something then you could find a solution to it more easy if you a know the right section to look.



    Hi Chris

    Sounds like a hell of a good idea! I nominate You!!!

    By the way, I haven’t forgotten about the pictures of Railroad

    buildings. I have taken a few shots of a real gem of an old station

    in Wakefeild, New Hampshire. The whole town just drips with turn of

    the century buildings all along the tracks running right through the

    town. There is even a place called “Turn table Park”.

    I have just bought a copy of WinZip. As soon as I figure it

    out, I,ll email you the whole bunch.

    Thanks & ‘bye for now…




    I think that would be a great help.

    Would the first page be an INDEX and then add to the index as we go.

    Yes I vote for Chris, what a good man you are, go for it.


    Okay, I’ll give it a go.


    Hello Chris…

    Good Man!! Im glad your willing to take on the job. I get the feeling

    that will be a well used tool, especially for rookies like Me.

    Thank You!!



    Hi all,

    Follow this link, http://brainbombers.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=483, for the initial effort. Just point me to anything I may have missed (I’m sure there are some) and I’ll include them through an edit.

    Regards, Chris

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