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  • #1567

    Hi all,

    Here’s another model I’ve just completed.


    little hobo – you’ve hit on one of my ‘missions’ which is to create the infrastructure surrounding some of the cars that have been introduced into the game. Perhaps Brainbom can introduce the ramp into IH as well.

    And with your imagination, I expect this water tower to be launched from Cape Little Hobo toward the moon. :D

    Best regards, Chris


    Hi all,

    Here’s an idea that struck me as I was trying to go to sleep this evening – I suppose it’s a distant cousin to Willi’s switch covers. Anyway, it’s a means to pave your own roads in RtR without having to resort to using textures thereby giving you a greater degree of freedom.


    As you can see, it’s still a work in progress. I’ll be able to texture different surfaces, too.

    Best regards, Chris


    I like the trend towards new buildings but all the houses are like hotels, any chance we could model some bungalows/small houses.

    Roads, I havent mastered tracks yet.


    Hi Biggs,

    Don said he was going to take a crack at houses.

    Regards, Chris


    Hi Chris

    The roads look good and will be fantastic.

    PS your vehicles are driving on the wrong side of the road. 😆 😉



    Hi Chris

    😆 😆 😆 best laugh i had in along time, took 20 min to get the tears out my eyes just think what brainbom had started all the imagination all the modelers tool makers the builders o layouts also think of the young minds that have tools and the seeds of imagination to build

    model’s , layout and programs, i know it’s got me thinking of getting a modeling program an giving it a try and with what i have read willi and everybody giving a help hand and pointers to you and others that want to go on to modeling and programing keep up the good work chris and everybody and have fun :D :D

    little hobo :)


    Hi Chris,

    Great, you have started what I had in mind since quite some time. My idea was to make the curved pieces the same radii like the tracks, so you can lay a double track very narrow under the road objects and so have a working street traffic.

    Best regards,



    Hi Willi,

    I checked and the width of the road will hide two tracks laid side-by-side. I had planned on making various road radii so I’ll make sure to include the three track radii as well. I’ll thicken the road model slightly to be able to hide track and still contact the ‘table’ surface. Most of that additional width will be below the surface of the table so you’d just have to raise it to completely hide the track.

    I’ll send them along to you once I’m satisfied with them.

    I presume you’ll model or change the scale of an ‘engine’ to match that of the other vehicles sharing the road (or the other way around).

    Best regards, Chris


    Hi Willi,

    Here’s the revamped straight road segment that is now deep enough to hide track. You’ll notice that it can be raised for that.


    I’ve sent the appropriate files/file entries for you to examine.

    I’ll rework the intersection and curves if you feel I’m moving in the right direction.

    Best regards, Chris


    Hi Chris,

    That’s great! That’s exactly what I had in mind. Of course it would be great to have smaller track radii. Here’s a pic of what I had experimented some time ago for a street crossing:


    Okay, you can only drive straight or right, but it’s still a huge crossing.

    What I still want to ask BrainBombers, if it would be possible to make track invisible, so it would only be visible, if “Track Info” is turned on. This way we could also create working ship and aircraft traffic. ;-) And the streets wouldn’t have to be so high.

    Anyway, I will have to build some working cars now. 😉

    Best regards,



    Hi Willi,

    You might also want to ask Brainbom if it would be possible for a third option and that would be a road surface – standard rail, invisible, and road.

    I had thought that a light rail or trolley/street car system would be nice (bus service as well). Hiding track under the roads would work nicely for that.

    I’ll continue with curves and intersections now.

    Best regards, Chris


    Hi all,

    This model is an oil loading platform. I’ll have to talk with Brainbom to see if it’s shareable (filesize).


    Additional details would be planks to span to the tank car, platform railings, and ladders at both ends.


    Hi chris

    If you make one of those I will have to change my BT track 😯 😆 will I ever finish it. Cool work.



    Hi Dave,

    It’s made (except for the details I mentioned earlier); I just haven’t hit on the color schemes for the texturing yet.


    It’s really a question of whether it would be deployed because it’s a ‘busy’ model with a lot of surfaces and vertices.

    Perhaps Brainbom would consider making some discretionary extension packs available to folks who have more capable systems.

    I also play some FPS’ers that place high demands on the box so I seem to be able to handle these larger models. I imagine there are others out there that have similar computers that would enjoy more complex models in RtR as well.


    Hi Chris

    I understand it better in the new picture. Just a thourght If you 1/2 it and that would make it smaller and if we needed it bigger we just roatate one 180 and add it to other end.


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