Home Forums Creating your own stuff Layouts CITY SUBWAY

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    Hi to all

    JUST wanted to say hello to all the old friends and to welcome all the new members and the old ones that came back to the rtr. i have been on the side rail for some time and now it feels good to be pulling into the station again. back to rtr i put city subway up on the download page this is not the completed ver. but it will give you some idea how it looks running .I still have the old computer so it limiting me from doing much more to it.I will try to add more and update soon. have fun with it

    been looking over all the new layouts and new models that everybody has been working hard on and they all look great :D keep up the good work :) 8)

    by the way if you got a train related web site I would be glad to add it to rtr member’s or train list on my site. once again welcome to the rtr

    Have Fun :) :D

    little hobo :)[img][/img]


    Looked at the City Subway this-afternoon,

    I’m lost for words, your on to somthing i would never have thought of.

    Waiting with anticipation for the full version.




    Great as always. Cool sky scrapers.



    Hello Little Hobo…

    Well guy, You’ve done it again. This is one coooooool layout. Well worth the wait.

    I’ve got to beleive that when it’s done, it’ll be another one of Your masterpieces.

    Have You given any thought to a theme song Yet?

    Nice work, Real nice..



    Hi little hobo.

    Just checking the forum for any signs of life and found your City Subway post and link. Fantastic work! I’ve seen some creative approaches to RtR but this tops them all. Please keep us posted as your layout progresses.


    Hi Gnome

    Thanks gnome Its been some trying times working inside the tunnels and stations real up close work you should give it a try it’s a totally different game in there alot of fun :) I hope you don’t have to wait to long 😆

    Thank again :)

    little hobo


    Hi Dave

    Thank Dave maybe i will get couple more sky scrapers on the layout but first I want to work on the subway little bit more.

    Dave i got run your project track you did a great job on it keep up great work :D 8)

    Thanks again :D

    little hobo


    Hi Mark

    Glade here it was worth the wait thats cool :D thanks Mark for the song i be up for some ideas maybe working in coal mine way down deep lol 😆 geting late here burning the midnight oil got to get some sleep

    Thank again :)

    little hobo


    Hi Robear

    Thanks Robear I’ll have to keep you all updated just going to push this old computer little harder till the smoke rolls out of it 😆

    Thanks again :D

    little hobo


    Hi Little Hobo,

    I´d also got a go with your sub. It´s a little same as the Wild thing :D

    I pull my hat down. On Willi´s Forum we have Heinz. May be he´s the German Mirror of you. You may look for layout “Kopfbahnhof” 😉


    Hi Peter

    Oh cool 8) a got a twin took over where i left off maybe a relative got roots back to Germany i will have to take a look at his layout.

    Thank you Peter :D

    Until next time :)

    little hobo


    Hi little Hobo,

    may be i´ve to model a metro like as it in Paris,NewYork or Moskow,for the right flair,(or use a draisine for an undergroundtrip 8) 💡)


    Hi peter

    great idea that would be cool 8) now all we have to do is get some body to model some longer straight tunnel Pieces and some pie Pieces for the curves that would be cool 8) the ones I used are eating up my computer to many objects slowing down hey if not its always nice to dream :)

    until next time

    little hobo

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