backgrounds on billboards

Home Forums Building layouts Buildings, plants, other objects backgrounds on billboards

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    Hi all!

    Here’s an idea I’ve had for a while; backgrounds.

    These are not applied as a sky texture but on billboards that can be set behind the table. To change the background you can replace the image file.

    I’ve tested and the image can be a .jpg, dds, bmp. I haven’t tested other formats but I know DirectX can handle .png and tga formats as well, but only tga, png and dds have the alpha channel to allow the sky to show through.





    Have you tried a jpg with a transparent background to see if it will work?

    DonR aka Blazer9


    Hay Don,

    Well yes and no; a jpg can be used for the background image but a .jpg does not include an alpha channel or transparent layer. You can’t force a jpg to be transparent because there’s no provision for it in the file format. Microsoft made a provision for images displayed in Windows that gray with an RGB of 172,172,172 will automaticly be transparent, but a DirectX screen is not a Windows screen so that will not work in RtR.

    This background started out as a jpg panoramic photo but using DTXBmp I converted it to a DDS and used a gray scale, high contrast duplicate of the image to create the alpha channel. That’s the RtR default sky behind those buildings.

    The only image formats that include a transparent layer (that I know how to use) are Targa .tga; portable network graphics .png; .gif what ever that stands for and direct draw surface .dds.

    Most image editing software can handle all but .dds but DTXBmp makes the dds conversion pretty easy.



    Hi all

    How ever it’s is done bit hard for me to understand. It’s looks great.


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